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·        "Trade and the Environment with Pre-Existing Subsidies: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 64 (2012), 253-278, with David L. Kelly. paper  



·        "Reforming State-Owned Enterprises in China: Effects of WTO Accession," Review of Economic Dynamics 13 (2010), 800-823, with Tianshu Chu.  paper



·        "Trade, Growth, and Convergence in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model," Review of Economic Dynamics 13 (2010), 487-513, with Timothy J. Kehoe. paper


·        "Entrepreneurship and Productivity: The Slow Growth of the Planned Economies," Review of Economic Dynamics 12 (2010), 505-522, with Luis Locay. paper


·        "China's Vulnerability to Currency Crises: A KLR Approach," China Economic Review 19 (2008), 138-151, with Duan Peng. paper


·        "Specific Factors, Learning, and the Dynamics of Trade," International Economic Review 45 (2004), 499-521. paper


·        "Lower Subdifferentiability in Minimax Fractional Programming,"Optimization 45 (1999), 1-12, with Juan Enrique Martinez-Legaz.




·        "China's Accession to the WTO and its Effect on State-Owned Enterprises," in Chu T. Ed. The Chinese Economy, East-West Center Publications (forthcoming), with Tianshu Chu.


·        "Mercosur," in Globalization: Encyclopedia of Trade, Labor, and Politics, Ashish Vaidya, Ed. ABC_CLIO. Santa Barbara, Clalifornia, 2006, 504-512.


Working Papers


·        "Domestic Policies, Hidden Protection, and the GATT/WTO,” with Josh Ederington. (submitted) paper



·        "Demographics in a Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model: Overlapping Generations versus Infinitely-Lived Consumers," NBER Working Paper 12566, with Timothy J. Kehoe. paper


·        "Trade, Growth, and Productivity,” with Mark Gibson, Timothy Kehoe, and Kim Ruhl. (paper coming soon)


·        "Trade and the Environment with Heterogeneous Firms,” with Paul Missios and Andres Pierce (coming soon)